Call for Papers - Deadline March 15, 2024


Issue: Transformative inclusive pedagogies 


In this issue of the Journal of Childhoods and Pedagogies, we create space for inquiries and dialogues with social justice, inclusive practices, and disability studies in early childhood care and education (ECCE). The issue aims to contribute to and expand reconceptualist perspectives in ECCE that challenge biomedical and deficit discourses of disability, the primacy of child developmental psychology, and the dominance of neoliberal education. We ask, 


What would become possible in pedagogical encounters sustained within practices of the ethics of care with children with disabilities? 


How could notions of interdependence destabilize power structures fomented by deficit perspectives and invite inclusive pedagogies that are more reciprocal, relational and responsible?  


What it might mean to create a space where differences and otherness could co-exist?


Submissions should reflect critical engagements with the social model of disability as well as the principles of disability justice. The issue holds a special interest in multidisciplinary and intersectional stories, histories, and scholarship of/with marginalized communities. We invite contributions that elaborate on perspectives in social justice education stemming from Indigenous studies, childhood studies, critical disability studies, critical race studies, gender studies, among others. We are particularly interested in expanded dialogues grounded in postfoundational theories and more-than-Western perspectives/ worldviews.  


We welcome submissions in multiple formats and languages. Contributions can include but are not limited to first-person stories and/or family stories, research papers, literature reviews, historical studies, speculative papers, book reviews, and arts-based pieces - including multimedia formats (video-performances, arts/music composition, animations, video storying, etc.).